About Us

Welcome to the Sandy Brae HOA Website!

On behalf of the Board of Directors, welcome to our community web site. Feel free to explore the features available on this site.

The purpose of the website is to improve communications and to allow residents to quickly and easily find information about the Association and happenings in our community.

P.O. BOX 244


The Sandy Brae HOA and your neighbors hope you will be happy in your new home!

Sandy Brae, Original Section, was established in 1966 by Carl W. Lang and developed by Delbert Wilson. There is a memorial stone at the entrance of Oak Lane in Delbert’s memory. Addition One was added as people discovered Sandy Brae’s convenience to Lewes and Rehoboth Beach. More lots were sold and Addition Two & Three were eventually developed. There are 259 lots in our single family home community.

Sandy Brae is governed by a set of Restrictive Covenants and By-Laws. We have enclosed the most recent 2018 edition in case you did not receive one at settlement. We encourage you to read them and if you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach us at sandybraehoa.lewes.de@gmail.com or call Kathy Davison, HOA President, at 302-682-3986. In the event you will be renting your home, we have particular covenants for that and different forms that need to be filled out. If your new home is not your full time residence, please make sure you contact us with your mailing address and email so you get all our important information and communications. And don’t forget to like us on Facebook! Annual dues are $125 and are due by January 31st.

When you purchase a home in Sandy Brae you are automatically a member of the HOA and thereby agree to abide by all the Restrictive Covenants as well as all the Associations rules, regulations, policies, and procedures. Please visit our website, www.sandybraehoa.com where you can find more information about our community, Board of Director information, and upcoming events.

We are here to help you make a smooth transition into your new home and our community. Do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns you might have.

Welcome to Sandy Brae and enjoy living in our wonderful beach community!

The Sandy Brae Board of Directors

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